Dental Sedation in Kelowna

Our Kelowna dentists offer dental sedation options that may help our patients relax while in our care, even if they are anxious.

What is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation refers to a variety of techniques used to help to calm anxious patients during a dental procedure or to assist patients in making themselves comfortable during long procedures.

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Types of Dental Sedation

At Dr. Steve Johnson Dental Group, we offer a variety of dental sedation options for our patients.

Your dentist can help determine if sedation is right for you and which option will best suit your needs. 

Nitrous Oxide 

Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is inhaled through the mouth and nose.

The medication can calm patients even though they remain awake and able to communicate. It also tends to lessen anxiety, increase pain threshold, reduce gag reflex and make time pass more quickly for a patient. 

Oral Sedation

Oral sedatives are pills or liquids prescribed by your dentist and taken orally. The medication leaves you awake for the procedure, but can significantly relax you. 

Do you experience dental anxiety? 

Dental anxiety is a relatively common condition when a patient experiences fear about their dental appointments.

Managing Dental Anxiety

Avoiding dental treatments can lead to a number of oral health issues. That's why we do strive to help anxious patients feel relaxed when they visit us. We're happy to talk to you about your concerns, work at your pace, and take breaks if you need them. We are here for you.

Dental Sedation | Kelowna Dentist | Dr. Steve Johnson Dental Group

Welcoming New Patients

Our Kelowna dentists are always happy to accept new patients in the Okanagan Valley. 

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(250) 762-9525